Roger's Postings

Friday, December 29, 2017

Galatians 4:4-7.                                 God’s adopted children!!!!                          31/12/17

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

Today here in this reading we are reminded again of another great gift that has been given to us, as a result of Christmas. Something that is truly remarkable, and life-changing has been extended to us. Here is a gift that really does make a difference to each and every day of the rest of our lives.

Now I hope, and I am sure, that you all got some special gifts on Christmas day. Some would have been very nice and brought you some happiness. Others that you will use in the days and perhaps even years ahead. Some that were nice and quickly eaten or used and soon forgotten. Above all you would have appreciated the thoughts and the relationship that was there in the giver of those gifts.

There is something special about the giving and receiving of gifts that goes beyond the day and even the gift. The on-going relationship that goes with the gift is special and the giving and receiving enhances and maintains that relationship.

Here this morning God is reminding us a special gift that he has for us that does the same thing; but in an even more valuable and significant way. As a result of Jesus’ coming into our world all those years ago, he made it possible for us to be adopted into God’s family. That is God’s gift to us as a result of Christmas.

Now what an amazing gift that is for us. God choosing to do what was necessary for us to be a part of his family forever. Surely this is the very best that could happen to us. This is life changing and life giving for our lives. If we take that seriously life will never be the same – for the better.

To begin with, we know that because of our sin and selfishness, we have brought all kinds of troubles and hardships on ourselves and one another. But even more significant is that this rebellion against God has destroyed our relationship with him. We are thereby not able to come into his presence or be able to hold our heads up in our relationship with him.

Our relationship with him has put us in a place of slavery before him. We have to perform and do what he says to in any way please him. Not one of us can do what he has called for us to do in his Law. Our sinful, selfish nature will continually turn away from what he says and wants and put the focus on ourselves and what we want and do. But in end we are still nothing before him – there is no chance of us being able to earn an inheritance from him. So, we are in trouble.

Thank God however that he did not leave it at that. Instead, when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Now there is a sentence that is packed full of importance and significance.

It begins by stating that even though we had and have continually messed up, get had set about doing what was necessary for things to be made right once more. Already from the beginning he had a set plan and time to do what was necessary for things to be made right again. And all those Christmas’ ago that set time had fully come.

In the birth of Jesus God sent his Son into our world. So, the plan was that God himself would come to do what was necessary for us to be restored back into a right relationship with himself. To uphold his holiness however he had to take care of sin and its consequences. Punishment had to be served out for our rebellion. There had to be a perfect sacrifice take place for this to happen.

So, this Jesus, God’s Son, was born of a woman. He then, while he lived here on earth was fully human, just as we are. In Philippians chapter two we read that he made himself in every way just as we are, except for sin. The sacrifice for sin ha to be a perfect human being.

Then fully as a human being he was able to place himself under the Law. He subjected himself to live under and in accord with the Law, just as we are required to. However, at every turn, Satan sought to derail this plan and cause him to in some way sin. In the wilderness and in the Garden of Gethsemane we have just two of these many attempts. However, he did not succumb.

In this way he was then able to offer himself as that sacrifice which takes care of God’s holiness and justice. He then was able to redeem those under the law. He gave his life on the cross, taking the punishment that we deserve on himself. He thereby paid the price necessary for us to be bought back from death and hell.

All this he did so, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Did you hear that? He did all of this so that we might be able to be adopted back into God’s family. Jesus came at Christmas for the very purpose of enabling us to be restored back into a right relationship with God himself. How amazing is that?

At our baptisms then this adoption takes place. As we are brought to the baptismal font we are washed clean of our sin and joined to Jesus Christ and all that he did for us through his life, death and resurrection. There we were baptised into the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: joined into God’s family and all that it is a and all that it stands for.

So, you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Our relationship with God then is not one of being in slave-ship. Doing things because we have to do them and so that we can remain in his ‘good books’. We are not simply employees who are there to carry out his bidding.

No, we are God’s children. Part of his family, which means that we are in a close personal relationship with him and he to us. We are able to talk to him as “Abba, Father.” As we would talk to our loving parents. But even more than that we are ‘in the family’. We are a part of all that that family is and stands for. Not just in status, but in its very being. We are God’s children. That is truly amazing and great.

But that also means that: since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. We have a part in all that God is and all that he stands for. Being a part of his family ensures that we have a certain inheritance in heaven where we will enjoy the very best of everything, for all eternity. So if we don’t turn our backs on this God we have in store for us that which is better than we could ever imagine possible.

What a Christmas gift! But do we really want that? Do we really want that relationship and inheritance? Or do we simply want that ‘goodies’ but not the God and the family that is all a part of it?  Do we think that we are all grown up and don’t need to listen to and be a part of the family – that we can still live by and for ourselves?

No, surely this is the very best that could ever happen to us. Surely, we know our weaknesses and failings, and so want all the help that being a part of the family can impart. Surely we don’t only want the ‘goodies’ but especially the God who is the giver. And surely seeing as to how good, great and loving that he is we will want to listen to and follow what is good for the family. We will want to do what he wants.

That then means we will take to heart what we are told here also. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Because we are God’s children and because we know our weakness we will long for the Holy Spirit to help and guide as to living in the family. We will avail ourselves of all the opportunities available to receive this help. So regular worship will be an important part of life, as will other opportunities to read, hear and study his Word.

We will want to be in the presence of our parents and the rest of our family as much as we possibly can. There we will listen to; following the example of; and be encouraged and encouraging of one another, in the course of the family’s life. What is important to the family is what will be important to us. We will listen to and follow the directions of what is given to us for our good.

Yes, all this and more is a part of this great Christmas gift that has been extended to us. So, let us not put this gift on the shelf and give little thought and attention to it. Instead let us continually remind ourselves and one another of how great and important this gift is. Then make the most of that gift each and every day of the rest of our lives.

We have been adopted into God’s family; and so we are now a part of that which is truly the best that could ever happen to us. Jesus Christ and his coming all those years ago now means so much for us here and now as we live our lives every day. In connection with him we can now live with boldness and confidence. To him then be all glory and honour, now and forever AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze

Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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